Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mechona 2010 In Veterinary

I decided to study veterinary. I don't really know why, but I'm absolutely happy with my choice. I love what I do, I love where I' am.

I had a lot of different and new experiences. Talking about the classes, I had a lot troubles with chemistry and biochemistry, and I failed in both of them. Afortunely I had the option to make them in the summer and I took it. I did well in the others subjects, some were fun to learn, some were very, very boring.

But more important (I think) are all the things I learned outside of the classroom. For example, I got in to the student union... there I learned a lot about people, to talked to different people, people who may not think like you, who may not act like you, or live you. In the student union I worked with amazing guys, we always had a good time, even under a lot of pressure and things to do (the rest of the student always forget than we're students too).

I did a lot of new friends (and I have to say, very good ones). We did a lot of funny and stupid things, we always laughed a lot. Even when we're very different from each other, we always had a good time.

There is so much more to tell... maybe later.

(I'm absolutely sure than this is one of the better choices that I ever made)