Monday, May 23, 2011

The right to education (já)

Today the topic is the education in Chile, what a complicated subject!! We can go on and on talking about it, and never find the solution. That and the non-existent politic will to do something is what has the education in a terrible crisis

To build education, we need strong and solid foundations. So, we have to start from preschool and basic (primary) and then in “media”. I’m not an expert in education, so I can’t say how to fix it, but I think that it needs to include civil education, and reconsider the famous “full journey”. About universities there are so many things to fix! Like the indebt, PSU as selection system, the regulation of the work market or democracy in to the faculties and colleges, etc…

But first of all the Estate HAS to assume is responsibility to give to all the people fare and good education. Education can’t be a business, and the actual system proves it: THIS SYTEM IS NOT WORKING. The right of education is vital to make a country, and to grow up as nation. Just when that happens we can start building the future of our country. And this is part of a bigger problem: we need to change the constitution, change it completely.

1 comment:

  1. Today the topic is the education in Chile, what a complicated subject!! We can go on and on talking about it, and never find the solution. That and the non-existent politic will to do something is what has the education in a terrible crisis

    To build education, we need strong and solid foundations. So, we have to start from preschool and basic (primary) and then in “media”. I’m not an expert in education, so I can’t say how to fix it, but I think that it needs to include civil education, and reconsider the famous “full journey”. About universities there are so many things to fix! Like the indebt, PSU as selection system, the regulation of the work market or democracy in to the faculties and colleges, etc…

    But first of all the SP Estate HAS to assume is responsibility to give to all the people SP fare and good education. Education can’t be a business, and the actual system proves it: THIS SYTEM IS NOT WORKING. The right of education is vital to make a country, and to grow up as nation. Just when that happens we can start building the future of our country. And this is part of a bigger problem: we need to change the constitution, change it completely.

    puf I agree with you! the problem is that some people don't think much about how serious is this...
