Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My faculty

My faculty is a very special one. Almost everything is different here. And, actually, I like it a lot... I like the fact that we have a lot of "green areas", in a very familiar atmosphere. It's like been in school (only harder... a LOT harder).
But, in the other hand, this faculty, just like the complete education system, has a lot of things that can be improve, and some other that need to be completely changed.
We need more teachers, and better practices, a better library, a decent resting area and cafeteria… and I could go on and on, listing all the things we said in class and more.
I think that one of the ways to fix a part of this is work with the students, with us. In this faculty, almost all the decisions are made without our opinion, they never ask, we don’t have a voice, a real one. We need a space where what we have to say matters, after all, we’re the ones who study here.
The professors, employees and students, together, can find a way to improve a lot of things. For example, re-evaluate the new curriculum, in terms of the duration of the career, the time for practices or to take electives. When someone starts a new project, it vital to consider all the actors (that why we need to be consider in the decisions) and it’s also very important to evaluate from time to time, and correct the things that are not working.
There is a lot more that needs to be done here, but like I say before, those are not just our problems, is a bigger one, so the solution needs to be bigger.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Actually, I cant decide for just a country (I want to know every possible place!), so I would tell you about the summer trip that I have in mind for 2012: Perú.

One think I love about traveling, is all the things you can learn about people: their costumes, try diferent food, the way they talk, or dance or party. And Perú is our neighbors... How can we be so diferent, if we are so closed?

So, I would like to go to Lima, to meet the citytown, and watch people and talk to them (and do more listening than talking). I would love to visit Machu Pichu, and once there, Iwant to climb avery mountain, and take millions of pictures (I have to admit, is one of the most important reasons of why I choose Perú). I want to know historic places, places where I can learn about the tradition of the country and his people, understand what makes them who they are, what makes them diferent to us.

I can't name more places that I would like to go, because I don't know to much about Perú, but thats why I'm going. My plan is to not be picky, and stay where I can, as long as I can learn something there. And
I don't want to take turistic tours, I want to know the real Perú, not just the turistics atractions. I dont think that It's necesary to go too far, to find another world.

I dont know If would study or stay longer in Perú, but if any interest option cames, of course I'll take it (maybe in the Amazonas, it would be amazing).

Around the world.

 Actually, I cant decide for just a country (I want to know every possible place!), so I would tell you about the summer trip that I have in mind for 2012: Perú.

One think I love about traveling, is all the things you can learn about people: their costumes, try diferent food, the way they talk, or dance or party. And Perú is our neighbors... How can we be so diferent, if we are so closed?

So, I would like to go to Lima, to meet the citytown, and watch people and talk to them (and do more listening than talking). I would love to visit Machu Pichu, and once there, Iwant to climb avery mountain, and take millions of pictures (I have to admit, is one of the most important reasons of why I choose Perú). I want to know historic places, places where I can learn about the tradition of the country and his people, understand what makes them who they are, what makes them diferent to us.

I can't name more places that I would like to go, because I don't know to much about Perú, but thats why I'm going. My plan is to not be picky, and stay where I can, as long as I can learn something there. And
I don't want to take turistic tours, I want to know the real Perú, not just the turistics atractions. I dont think that It's necesary to go too far, to find another world.

I dont know If would study or stay longer in Perú, but if any interest option cames, of course I'll take it (maybe in the Amazonas, it would be amazing).


Monday, April 18, 2011

My expirience with the Transantiago.

Anyway I’ve got a lot to say about the famous Transantigo. I can’t really say if it is better than yellow busses, because I’m not from Santiago.

I know that the transportation system of the capital isn’t perfect, but I like it. When I first got here, in Santiago, learning to use it was an adventure, and I try to used all the chances I had to know the better way to get to all de places I used to went. Several times I get lost, take the subway in the wrong way or passed my bus stop… but somehow, I always found the solution.

I just can compare Transantiago, with the buses of my hometown. In La Serena, the transport system is very different. Of course, there is not Bip!, so at weekends and vacations students have to fight with the bus driver in order to pay student fare. The busses are smaller, and the distances are way shorter, but the transportation fare higher (it’s so unfair!)

I have to say, that I like to watch the people on the buses, or listen my music and sign while I travel, and that helps a lot to take all the bad thing of the transantiago in the better way that is possible.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A zoo at my house.

I'm going to tell you a little bit about my pets. But first I have to clear that I got all of them in a plot in La Serena, my home city... otherwise it will be impossible.

Let's begin with my dogs. I have three, two males and one female... and they are amazing. The older one, Bandido, is a fake fox terrier, actually once the vet told us "he has the interior of a fox terrier, a fox terrier's lungs, intestines, even the heart, but at the outside...". Even thought, he's the best, he's like a kid, sometimes he pretend to have a hurt leg, just to make me take care of him. The other male, is a German Shepherd Dog, he's name is Toki, and he is very beautiful, and so intelligent.He loves to play with balls, and hunt birds. Toki and Bandido are very jealous of each other; they fight like children for the balls, or the food, but never to seriusly. The third one is my fatty, Kuky. She doesn't eat that much, but she had always been fat. Maybe because she sleeps all day long, normally nothing can bother her, bu when she slept... be careful.
Well, so beside my three dogs, I have 3 cats too. Their names are Chuchufli, Mani and Barquillo (is always funny to call them). They are always together, sleeping, playing or hiding from my four geese. My geese are very grumpy, they always try to take the food from my dogs, but they're afraid of people, the just like you to feed them.
Another special animal that lives in my house, is my parrot, he has 7 years old. He (we had always assumed that is a he) knows a lot of words, he always called my brother, and sometimes he barks with the dogs.
All the animals I had named, lives in the outside. In to the house, we just had a fish, but it isn't very special... actually, he's very boring, and I feel sorry for him, he must have a awful time alone in that tank.
Last, but not least, are my two horses. My uncle brought theme recently, and they are suppose to be his responsibility. I don’t know them very well, because I haven’t been able to travel too much since I the semester started.

One of the best things of living in a plot is all the space you got. You can have a lot of animals, but it also means a lot of work. I love my dogs, and cats, I always had a good time with the parrot... But I don't think that getting more animals in to my house is a good idea... for now.