Monday, April 18, 2011

My expirience with the Transantiago.

Anyway I’ve got a lot to say about the famous Transantigo. I can’t really say if it is better than yellow busses, because I’m not from Santiago.

I know that the transportation system of the capital isn’t perfect, but I like it. When I first got here, in Santiago, learning to use it was an adventure, and I try to used all the chances I had to know the better way to get to all de places I used to went. Several times I get lost, take the subway in the wrong way or passed my bus stop… but somehow, I always found the solution.

I just can compare Transantiago, with the buses of my hometown. In La Serena, the transport system is very different. Of course, there is not Bip!, so at weekends and vacations students have to fight with the bus driver in order to pay student fare. The busses are smaller, and the distances are way shorter, but the transportation fare higher (it’s so unfair!)

I have to say, that I like to watch the people on the buses, or listen my music and sign while I travel, and that helps a lot to take all the bad thing of the transantiago in the better way that is possible.


  1. Anyway I’ve got a lot to say about the famous Transantigo. I can’t really say if it is better than yellow busses, because I’m not from Santiago.

    I know that the transportation system of the capital isn’t perfect, but I like it. When I first got here, in Santiago, learning to use it was an adventure, and I TENSE try to used all the chances I had to know the better way to get to all de places I used to WF went. Several times I TENSE get lost, TENSE take the subway in the wrong way or passed my bus stop… but somehow, I always found the solution.

    I just can compare Transantiago, with the buses of my hometown. In La Serena, the transport system is very different. Of course, there is not Bip!, so at weekends and vacations students have to fight with the bus driver in order to pay student fare. The SP busses are smaller, and the distances are way shorter, but the transportation fare higher (it’s so unfair!)

    I have to say, that I like to watch the people on the buses, or listen ^my music and sign while I travel, and that helps a lot to take all the bad thing of the transantiago in the better way that is possible.

    good! I do think that in other places public transport is much better...

  2. I had the same experience with the transantiago, because I came from other city, and was so different about the public transport there.
