Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My faculty

My faculty is a very special one. Almost everything is different here. And, actually, I like it a lot... I like the fact that we have a lot of "green areas", in a very familiar atmosphere. It's like been in school (only harder... a LOT harder).
But, in the other hand, this faculty, just like the complete education system, has a lot of things that can be improve, and some other that need to be completely changed.
We need more teachers, and better practices, a better library, a decent resting area and cafeteria… and I could go on and on, listing all the things we said in class and more.
I think that one of the ways to fix a part of this is work with the students, with us. In this faculty, almost all the decisions are made without our opinion, they never ask, we don’t have a voice, a real one. We need a space where what we have to say matters, after all, we’re the ones who study here.
The professors, employees and students, together, can find a way to improve a lot of things. For example, re-evaluate the new curriculum, in terms of the duration of the career, the time for practices or to take electives. When someone starts a new project, it vital to consider all the actors (that why we need to be consider in the decisions) and it’s also very important to evaluate from time to time, and correct the things that are not working.
There is a lot more that needs to be done here, but like I say before, those are not just our problems, is a bigger one, so the solution needs to be bigger.

1 comment:

  1. My faculty is a very special one. Almost everything is different here. And, actually, I like it a lot... I like the fact that we have a lot of "green areas", in a very familiar atmosphere. It's like been in school (only harder... a LOT harder).
    But, WW in the other hand, this faculty, just like the complete education system, has a lot of things that can be WF improve, and some other that need to be completely changed.
    We need more teachers, and better practices, a better library, a decent resting area and cafeteria… and I could go on and on, listing all the things we said in class and more.
    I think that one of the ways to fix a part of this is work with the students, with us. In this faculty, almost all the decisions are made without our opinion, they never ask, we don’t have a voice, a real one. We need a space where what we have to say matters, after all, we’re the ones who study here.
    The professors, employees and students, together, can find a way to improve a lot of things. For example, re-evaluate the new curriculum, in terms of the duration of the career, the time for practices or to take electives. When someone starts a new project, it vital to consider all the actors (that why we need to be consider in the decisions) and it’s also very important to evaluate from time to time, and correct the things that are not working.
    There is a lot more that needs to be done here, but like I say before, those are not just our problems, is a bigger one, so the solution needs to be bigger.

    well doen! I agree with you in the way that if we all participate we could do more....
