Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The future of Veterinary

When I think about my future as a veterinarian, there are many aspects that I haven't defined yet. I don't know on wich area I want to specialize, or where I want to live. But I know what I have to consider when the time to decide arrives:

-There are so many veterinary's hospitals! Where ever you look there is one, in every corner. So, if I decide to work in clinics, specializing even more will be completely necessary, like do a magister in exotic animals or in neurology or something like that. This happens mainly because there is no regulation to create universities, less for veterinary schools. In the past part of that regulation was in hands of the COLMEVET (Colegio Médico Veterinario), but in the military government they change it, and leave us unprotected.

-If I want to work with horses, another problem shows up: it is a extremely sexist area. I prefer to think that is because to work with horses you may need to be strong, but if you're a good professional and work hard there shouldn’t be any discrimination. I don’t know much more about this, but I hope that it's change soon.

-For what I've been told the ones who make more money are those that work in production (meat production, eggs, milk, etc) and with horses too. About production, there are some challenges veterinarians have to take now and improve in the future. That is to make the production the most friendly with the environment as possible, and to do the field need complete professionals, people open to new ideas and ways to do the things.

I'm sure there is much more things that can be said about the future of this career, but as confused as I'm is hard to do it. Any way, one of the thing that I love the most about this profession, is the large list of options that we have, there is many things yo can do, we just need to find the information and make the right decition (but sometimes, thats the hardest part)ç


Monday, May 23, 2011

The right to education (já)

Today the topic is the education in Chile, what a complicated subject!! We can go on and on talking about it, and never find the solution. That and the non-existent politic will to do something is what has the education in a terrible crisis

To build education, we need strong and solid foundations. So, we have to start from preschool and basic (primary) and then in “media”. I’m not an expert in education, so I can’t say how to fix it, but I think that it needs to include civil education, and reconsider the famous “full journey”. About universities there are so many things to fix! Like the indebt, PSU as selection system, the regulation of the work market or democracy in to the faculties and colleges, etc…

But first of all the Estate HAS to assume is responsibility to give to all the people fare and good education. Education can’t be a business, and the actual system proves it: THIS SYTEM IS NOT WORKING. The right of education is vital to make a country, and to grow up as nation. Just when that happens we can start building the future of our country. And this is part of a bigger problem: we need to change the constitution, change it completely.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Contagious yawning in the red-footed tortoise

This article is about an investigation about contagious yawning. A group of scientist made an study called No Evidence of Contagious Yawning in the Red-Footed Tortoise,Geochelone carbonaria.

-Objectives of the study: discriminate between the possible mechanisms controlling contagious yawning by asking whether contagious yawning is present in a species that is unlikely to show empathy or nonconscious mimicry: the redfooted tortoise, G carbonaria.

-Why they choose these animals? : Because tortoises have not been known to mimic each other, but sometimes respond to things they see around them. Besides, tortoises had never previously been involved in a contagious yawning task or any similar experiment.

-First step of the experiment: the researchers pick one of the seven tortoises that they choose to do the experiment and trained her to open her mouth whenever they waved a little red square near her head. This took six months, and the resulting behaviour appeared highly similar to a naturally occurring tortoise yawn.

-Next steps of the experiment:
a) The other tortoises watched as the trained tortoise yawned a single time.
b) Trained tortoise yawned several times in succession.
c) The observer tortoises watched videos of a tortoise yawning and not yawning.

-Conclusions: The scientists conclude with the suggestion that "tortoises do not yawn in a contagious manner".


Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My faculty

My faculty is a very special one. Almost everything is different here. And, actually, I like it a lot... I like the fact that we have a lot of "green areas", in a very familiar atmosphere. It's like been in school (only harder... a LOT harder).
But, in the other hand, this faculty, just like the complete education system, has a lot of things that can be improve, and some other that need to be completely changed.
We need more teachers, and better practices, a better library, a decent resting area and cafeteria… and I could go on and on, listing all the things we said in class and more.
I think that one of the ways to fix a part of this is work with the students, with us. In this faculty, almost all the decisions are made without our opinion, they never ask, we don’t have a voice, a real one. We need a space where what we have to say matters, after all, we’re the ones who study here.
The professors, employees and students, together, can find a way to improve a lot of things. For example, re-evaluate the new curriculum, in terms of the duration of the career, the time for practices or to take electives. When someone starts a new project, it vital to consider all the actors (that why we need to be consider in the decisions) and it’s also very important to evaluate from time to time, and correct the things that are not working.
There is a lot more that needs to be done here, but like I say before, those are not just our problems, is a bigger one, so the solution needs to be bigger.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Actually, I cant decide for just a country (I want to know every possible place!), so I would tell you about the summer trip that I have in mind for 2012: Perú.

One think I love about traveling, is all the things you can learn about people: their costumes, try diferent food, the way they talk, or dance or party. And Perú is our neighbors... How can we be so diferent, if we are so closed?

So, I would like to go to Lima, to meet the citytown, and watch people and talk to them (and do more listening than talking). I would love to visit Machu Pichu, and once there, Iwant to climb avery mountain, and take millions of pictures (I have to admit, is one of the most important reasons of why I choose Perú). I want to know historic places, places where I can learn about the tradition of the country and his people, understand what makes them who they are, what makes them diferent to us.

I can't name more places that I would like to go, because I don't know to much about Perú, but thats why I'm going. My plan is to not be picky, and stay where I can, as long as I can learn something there. And
I don't want to take turistic tours, I want to know the real Perú, not just the turistics atractions. I dont think that It's necesary to go too far, to find another world.

I dont know If would study or stay longer in Perú, but if any interest option cames, of course I'll take it (maybe in the Amazonas, it would be amazing).

Around the world.

 Actually, I cant decide for just a country (I want to know every possible place!), so I would tell you about the summer trip that I have in mind for 2012: Perú.

One think I love about traveling, is all the things you can learn about people: their costumes, try diferent food, the way they talk, or dance or party. And Perú is our neighbors... How can we be so diferent, if we are so closed?

So, I would like to go to Lima, to meet the citytown, and watch people and talk to them (and do more listening than talking). I would love to visit Machu Pichu, and once there, Iwant to climb avery mountain, and take millions of pictures (I have to admit, is one of the most important reasons of why I choose Perú). I want to know historic places, places where I can learn about the tradition of the country and his people, understand what makes them who they are, what makes them diferent to us.

I can't name more places that I would like to go, because I don't know to much about Perú, but thats why I'm going. My plan is to not be picky, and stay where I can, as long as I can learn something there. And
I don't want to take turistic tours, I want to know the real Perú, not just the turistics atractions. I dont think that It's necesary to go too far, to find another world.

I dont know If would study or stay longer in Perú, but if any interest option cames, of course I'll take it (maybe in the Amazonas, it would be amazing).


Monday, April 18, 2011

My expirience with the Transantiago.

Anyway I’ve got a lot to say about the famous Transantigo. I can’t really say if it is better than yellow busses, because I’m not from Santiago.

I know that the transportation system of the capital isn’t perfect, but I like it. When I first got here, in Santiago, learning to use it was an adventure, and I try to used all the chances I had to know the better way to get to all de places I used to went. Several times I get lost, take the subway in the wrong way or passed my bus stop… but somehow, I always found the solution.

I just can compare Transantiago, with the buses of my hometown. In La Serena, the transport system is very different. Of course, there is not Bip!, so at weekends and vacations students have to fight with the bus driver in order to pay student fare. The busses are smaller, and the distances are way shorter, but the transportation fare higher (it’s so unfair!)

I have to say, that I like to watch the people on the buses, or listen my music and sign while I travel, and that helps a lot to take all the bad thing of the transantiago in the better way that is possible.