-There are so many veterinary's hospitals! Where ever you look there is one, in every corner. So, if I decide to work in clinics, specializing even more will be completely necessary, like do a magister in exotic animals or in neurology or something like that. This happens mainly because there is no regulation to create universities, less for veterinary schools. In the past part of that regulation was in hands of the COLMEVET (Colegio Médico Veterinario), but in the military government they change it, and leave us unprotected.
-If I want to work with horses, another problem shows up: it is a extremely sexist area. I prefer to think that is because to work with horses you may need to be strong, but if you're a good professional and work hard there shouldn’t be any discrimination. I don’t know much more about this, but I hope that it's change soon.
-For what I've been told the ones who make more money are those that work in production (meat production, eggs, milk, etc) and with horses too. About production, there are some challenges veterinarians have to take now and improve in the future. That is to make the production the most friendly with the environment as possible, and to do the field need complete professionals, people open to new ideas and ways to do the things.
I'm sure there is much more things that can be said about the future of this career, but as confused as I'm is hard to do it. Any way, one of the thing that I love the most about this profession, is the large list of options that we have, there is many things yo can do, we just need to find the information and make the right decition (but sometimes, thats the hardest part)ç